Categories: Orthopedic Care

5 Tips To Help You Accomplish Your New Year’s Wellness Goals

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Winter holidays, family get-togethers, and beautiful lights. Amid happy chaos or peaceful times spent recuperating from a busy year, most people worldwide make a list of resolutions for the new year.

A 2019 survey showed more than 50% of Americans wanted to be healthier—59% wanted to exercise more, 54% said they would eat healthier, and 48% resolved to lose weight.

If you have had health concerns over the past year, sticking to your wellness goals is especially important. Data shows that only 64% of people stick to their New Year's resolutions after one month of making them. So, what's the secret to keeping your plans on track? 

Here are a few tips to help you push through challenges and hit your health targets in the coming year!

Start With A Plan

    1. Be realistic about your timelines. Keep a list of more minor achievements and celebrate little wins to keep yourself motivated.

    2. Be modest about the number of resolutions you make. Sometimes we tend to bite off more than we can chew, which frustrates us.

    3. Find a friend or family member to support you and hold you accountable. A workout partner can double up as a great cheerleader as well.

    4. The key is moderation! Before making drastic changes to your diet or exercise regimes, consult your doctor or an expert.

    5. Remember that it's okay to experience minor setbacks. It's important to pick yourself back up and continue, even if things aren't going as planned.

If you have struggled with joint pain or knee problems that have impacted your life, and you want to make changes that will make a difference in the coming year, here are a few tips to help you along the way:

  • Stretch: Incorporate stretching exercises to loosen your muscles before you launch into an intense workout. Stretching helps to warm your body and makes it limber up so that you are less likely to pull a muscle or injure yourself.
  • Strengthen: Mix up your cardio exercises with some strength training using weights. Well-conditioned muscles can help relieve the pressure on joints and reduce joint pain.
  • Relax: Indulge yourself with deep tissue massages, which you can do in the comfort of your own home. It gives tired muscles a chance to heal, and can improve blood circulation.
  • Perfect Your Posture: Work on aligning your center of gravity by paying close attention to how you sit and stand. Core strengthening exercises like planks and back extensions can also help.
  • Ask for help: Remember to avoid pushing yourself too hard or too far. If you have trouble keeping up with your planned exercise regime, reach out to your doctor or trainer. Whether correcting a technique or changing the workouts, small interventions can make a huge difference.

    As we head into the New Year, remember to discover happy habits—those will keep you productive, energized, and coming back for more! And remember, for overall joint health and more, Dr. Matthew D. Barber, M.D., and his staff members are here for you.


    While Dr. Barber focuses exclusively on the management of knee and hip problems with a focus on joint replacement procedures, he is proud to be a source of information for patients and has several specialist partners at ALABAMA ORTHOPAEDIC CLINIC who are available to treat any orthopedic condition.

    Dr. Barber

    Based out of Mobile, Alabama, Dr. Matt Barber, MD. is an Orthopaedic Doctor specializing in knee and hips.

    Published by
    Dr. Barber

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